Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well the Thanksgiving posts did not go as expected. I am just in awe of how busy everything has been since about the week before Thanksgiving! I can not believe that Christmas is only a week away. Time has certainly flown by this semester and I am just flabbergasted at the fact that in three weeks I will be attending classes at UGA. I am so thankful to have gotten there and to be where I am now.
I love the holidays because it means getting to spend time with family. I have had a wonderful time being at home with my animals and making cookies with my mom and doing other fun things for the holidays. We got a gorgeous 11ft Christmas tree for our family room this year and I love being here to just stare at it.
I am not sure if I will be able to post again before Christmas or not but I am going to post some pictures from the fall football gala and the lyrics to my favorite Christmas song. I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and a wonderful time with their family. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

This is one of my absolute favorite songs. It is called Light Your World and it is by Newsong on their Christmas album. Enjoy!

Two doors down one rocking chair is rocking
She sits there all alone, her husband dead and gone
The best years of her life they spent together
He was always strong, but now she's on her own
And the telephone never rings
No one laughs, no one sings
It's quiet there
Does anyone care?

Light your world
Let the love of God shine through
In the little things you do
Light your world
And though your light may be
Reaching only two or three
Light your world

A knocking at her door breaks the silence
She looks out to see a little boy from down the street
She cracks the door, surprised that he came over
Flowers in his hand like a little gentleman
He said, 'I picked these just for you
I hope you like the color blue
Could I stay a while
I love to see you smile.'

Light your world
Let the love of God shine through
In the little things you do
Light your world
And though your light may be
Reaching only two or three
Light your world

It only takes a little time
To show someone how much you care
It only takes a little time
To answer someone's biggest prayer