Thursday, September 24, 2009


Recently I decided that I needed to take a break from cross stitching and find something else entertaining to create. There is a quaint little store in Cashiers, NC that my family visits when we travel there that has quite a collection of handmade items. One set of items in particular that has very much so captured our interest in previous years is that of these adorable hand made button/block dolls. We have collected everything from the full cast of Wizards of Oz to Mr. and Mrs. Clause and The Grinch. Last week I decided to attempt at making my own with hopes to maybe join that business. Keep in mind that these are my first attempts and are far from perfect but hopefully I will get better with each doll. Enjoy and GO DAWGS.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Recently, I have become extremely aware of things or people around me with a great deal of negativity. It has become increasingly harder for me to just ignore it and let it slip by. I just can not for the life of me see how its possible for anyone to find joy in being negative. Understandably people deal with stress and events of life differently than others but seriously how does it benefit the person or the people around that person to be negative all the time. I can not think of any good out comes that we get from being negative. Sure I have been negative but I am not talking about the occasional stress or event that causes it. I am talking specifically about the people who just can not seem to figure out that even though something might be taking place that is unfair, it feels better to try and find the positive side to everything negative. I think learning to do that goes along with learning to be patient and letting God show you the positive side to everything negative. It seems to me like a majority of the big picture God is trying to teach His children ties back to learning to be patient. That will help me to be patient with the negative people and show them how much better it feels to learn to be positive.

Any who that was my lessen for the day. September is here! yay! that means football and pumpkins and turkeys and my birthday! Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! Hopefully this fall will be one of the best ones yet. Well the only thing left to say is GO DAWGS! Hope everyone has a blessed week!