Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 3.

I am thankful for having some wonderful close friends whom I love and care about very much.

Day 2

A little late..
I am thankful for having a wonderful family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 1...

Today I am thankful for being able to express my opinions and not worry about breaking any laws. I am also thankful for having a great country and I am Proud to be an American and am so grateful to everyone who has ever protected this country. God Bless America.


Wow, the fact that November will be over in less than 2 weeks seems so crazy to me. Even more crazy that I only have 10 days of fall semester left at GSC and then finally on to UGA. The semester feels like a whirlwind to me but looking back it feels so long ago I made the move here. This has been a fun, busy, crazy, and very learned few months. God has certainly blessed me in my life and I continually feel that and give thanks every day.

I can not wait for the holidays. I am so excited that they are just around the corner. This next month and a half will be filled with quite a few mile markers that seem to me like time has flown since they were created. The first of those being that the weekend after Thanksgiving I will hopefully be celebrating a very special two year anniversary with one of the most amazing men I have ever met. I am so thankful that he has been here to share with me these past two years and that we have gotten to grow and experience new things in life together. I honestly do not know where I would be without him. The second of these being finally going to be attending the University of Georgia. It feels like I have waited for this for so long. I am glad that I was patient and allowed God to help me with this decision. One of the things I am looking forward to most is getting back into the pool because I will finally have an indoor pool to swim laps at yay! Thirdly after Wednesday of this week, I will have completed my first semester of student teaching! Wow! I loved my 2nd grade class and am so thankful to have had that opportunity.
I have a feeling once school ends things will not slow down at all but I love this time of year so I really pray that it will be one of many blessings.

For the rest of November I think my goal will be to try and post something on my blog that I am thankful for. I feel like that would get me to a very humble place on Thanksgiving! I am definitely ready for some turkey and family time!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and Blessed month of November!