Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Wow, the fact that November will be over in less than 2 weeks seems so crazy to me. Even more crazy that I only have 10 days of fall semester left at GSC and then finally on to UGA. The semester feels like a whirlwind to me but looking back it feels so long ago I made the move here. This has been a fun, busy, crazy, and very learned few months. God has certainly blessed me in my life and I continually feel that and give thanks every day.

I can not wait for the holidays. I am so excited that they are just around the corner. This next month and a half will be filled with quite a few mile markers that seem to me like time has flown since they were created. The first of those being that the weekend after Thanksgiving I will hopefully be celebrating a very special two year anniversary with one of the most amazing men I have ever met. I am so thankful that he has been here to share with me these past two years and that we have gotten to grow and experience new things in life together. I honestly do not know where I would be without him. The second of these being finally going to be attending the University of Georgia. It feels like I have waited for this for so long. I am glad that I was patient and allowed God to help me with this decision. One of the things I am looking forward to most is getting back into the pool because I will finally have an indoor pool to swim laps at yay! Thirdly after Wednesday of this week, I will have completed my first semester of student teaching! Wow! I loved my 2nd grade class and am so thankful to have had that opportunity.
I have a feeling once school ends things will not slow down at all but I love this time of year so I really pray that it will be one of many blessings.

For the rest of November I think my goal will be to try and post something on my blog that I am thankful for. I feel like that would get me to a very humble place on Thanksgiving! I am definitely ready for some turkey and family time!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and Blessed month of November!

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