Tuesday, October 27, 2009

End of October Already?

I can not believe that it is already the end of October. The time has absolutly flown during my favorite month of the year. Last weekend was my 20th bday and this weekend I will be traveling to Jacksonville for the UGA vs. UF game. I am so excited. I have been struggling with a blog entry topic for a while now but today I decided that I did not need one and I could use this time to ramble because well it is my blog.
Recently I have begun to notice how easily it is for people including me to get side tracked from the real reason why we are on this earth. One of the things that has been bothering me is how easily some people can get so caught up in judgment of others and themselves and forget that there is only one person who has the power to truthfully and honestly make judgments. I know I do it to but only to a certain extent because I have really been working on this. But I am talking about those of us who judge immediately on everything not just fellow humans but everything you can possibly make judgments on. I just pray that maybe as people get older and mature more that they will grow out of this. anyways thats all of my griping for the day.
Have a happy halloween! and Go DAWGS!

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