Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh January...

I can not believe January has already come and almost gone. This semester is going to be a toughy but I am sure that I will be able to climb this mountain all the way to the top. I am taking some very interesting classes this semester one being entitled Jeffersonian America. Its from around the signing of the Articles of confederation through the beginning of the civil war. Right now we are reading about the political crisis of the 1790's. I was astonished at little I knew about what happened after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. There were many times that the people in charge of our country could have just given up and thrown the towel in and let the new country crumble. They divisions in the government were bonded by one thing, the Constitution. They had the toughest of circumstances in which to come to decisions and meet in the middle of their differences. They created the Constitution and revered it so strongly that even the biggest division of ideas could be ended in a compromise to keep faithful the promise of the Constitution to the people of America. Why in this day and time do we let our so called political leaders get away with forgetting that the reason this country is what it is, is because of compromise and the and a belief in a parchment of paper created by many tedious hours of discussion. If a brand new country was able to survive in those first few decades all the new ideas and laws just thrown out there for everyone to learn to deal with without any examples our government should be able to make this country even better because they have examples from the past. And most they could really learn from studying the past.
Those are my thoughts for the day. Hope everyone is having a good week.

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