Thursday, August 27, 2009


"Patience is a virtue."

That saying has been ingrained in my head since I was young enough to understand the general concept. But not until these past few months have I truly understood it. To be patient is to fully allow yourself to trust God and wait for His direction without attempting to make your path go the way you think it should. In the past few months I have made big decisions regarding my future school wise. Currently, I am waiting to hear whether or not I will be making a change school wise this coming spring. Being patient on this is one of the hardest patient waiting games i have ever had to play. To be honest, until last night I have been doing a horrible job. It was making me stressed and irritable, and in general antsy.

Laying in bed last night, the saying "patience is a virtue" kept playing over and over again in my head. I realized that this waiting game has been a lesson for me. Patience is really one of the biggest blessings God can grant a person in life. Understanding this blessing is another blessing in its self. Learning how to wait without wondering constantly what the next step is lets us live our life without being afraid to make a wrong choice that was stressfuly thought out and handled. If we give that process of making choices to God and let Him handle it for us we would feel so much more free and happy. He wants to bless us by relieving our fears, anxiety, and stressful hazardous thinking. What a great blessing.

I think many things in this past year contributed to the discovery of this amazing gift from God. So yes patience is a virtue but there is also a gift hidden in that, a gift that allows us to be virtuous. A gift that relieves fear and worry. Patience is a great thing. It takes work but its work that will end in a Blessing. So instead of praying for a fast decision I am going to pray for patience and the strength to be patient.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to school again...

Tomorrow is officially back to school day. That sounds so terrible. I am actually excited for school to start though so its not all that bad. These last few weeks have been crazy getting ready to go back and other happenings. I have been trying to come up with a few things to work on this fall to help me grow in God. Recently I read the book "The Shack," if you have not read it, you need to it is defiantly a must read. In the book there is a section on judging other people and it really got to me. I did not realize how many times a day and how easy judging comes to everyone. It is really one of the main things people thrive on in life. So this fall is going to be my time to become very aware of my judging.

I am excited to make new friends and learn new things. I am also so happy it is finally football season yay! Well there is a lot more I would love to say but I need to get ready for school. So my final thoughts for the night are to God -
Dear Lord, please bless me and all my friends as we start our school year. Keep us safe and grounded and bless us with your teachings. Help us to stay on the right path and if we stray guide us back. Thank you Lord for all you give to us. Amen

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now but had no idea what I would write about. I love reading friends blogs and knowing what is happening in people's lives that I can not talk to every day. I finally decided that I wanted to start my own after deciding that it wasn't necessary to have to write about a certain topic and that I could actually just write about anything. So this is my random thoughts, ideas, and life stories put on to "paper" for anyone who cares.

The title of my blog might need some explaining. Anyone that knows me knows that I am an avid Miley Cyrus fan mostly because of her amazing songs. Earlier this year she released a song called "The Climb. It talks about life's ups and downs and how even when we are going through the roughest times, we always need to have faith and keep on going because it will get better. I love songs with good lyrics and this one in particular has really spoken to me. So this blog is about my life's climb. I have no idea if anyone will actually read this but its more for me to put my thoughts down than anything. So enjoy and keep the faith.

James 1:2-4

2:Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3:because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4:Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.